Written Instructions:
For each Multiple Choice Question (MCQ), four options are given. One of them is the correct answer. Make your choice (1,2,3 or 4). Write your answers in the brackets provided..
For each Short Answer Question(SAQ) and Long Answer Question(LAQ), write your answers in the blanks provided.
Leave your answers in the simplest form or correct to two decimal places.
1) Express the following in exponential form : ExExE s1 to the power Answer:_______________ |
2) Express the exponential form : 6x6xWxWxWxW 2W4} Answer:_______________ |
3) Express the following in exponential form : PxPxP s1 to the power Answer:_______________ |
4) Express the exponential form : 2x2xMxMxMxM 2M4} Answer:_______________ |
5) Express the following in exponential form : QxQxQ s1 to the power Answer:_______________ |
6) Express the exponential form : 3x3xBxBxBxB 2B4} Answer:_______________ |
7) Express the following in exponential form : IxIxI s1 to the power Answer:_______________ |
8) Express the exponential form : 3x3xTxTxTxT 2T4} Answer:_______________ |
9) Express the following in exponential form : PxPxP s1 to the power Answer:_______________ |
10) Express the exponential form : 7x7xKxKxKxK 2K4} Answer:_______________ |
1) Express the following in exponential form : BxBxB s1 to the power Answer: 3 SOLUTION 1 : Soln: BxBxB = B3
2) Express the exponential form : 6x6xRxRxRxR Answer: 2R4} SOLUTION 1 : Soln : 6x6xRxRxRxR = 62R4 |
3) Express the following in exponential form : TxTxT s1 to the power Answer: 3 SOLUTION 1 : Soln: TxTxT = T3
4) Express the exponential form : 2x2xHxHxHxH Answer: 2H4} SOLUTION 1 : Soln : 2x2xHxHxHxH = 22H4 |
5) Express the following in exponential form : WxWxW s1 to the power Answer: 3 SOLUTION 1 : Soln: WxWxW = W3
6) Express the exponential form : 3x3xQxQxQxQ Answer: 2Q4} SOLUTION 1 : Soln : 3x3xQxQxQxQ = 32Q4 |
7) Express the following in exponential form : XxXxX s1 to the power Answer: 3 SOLUTION 1 : Soln: XxXxX = X3
8) Express the exponential form : 3x3xJxJxJxJ Answer: 2J4} SOLUTION 1 : Soln : 3x3xJxJxJxJ = 32J4 |
9) Express the following in exponential form : VxVxV s1 to the power Answer: 3 SOLUTION 1 : Soln: VxVxV = V3
10) Express the exponential form : 7x7xOxOxOxO Answer: 2O4} SOLUTION 1 : Soln : 7x7xOxOxOxO = 72O4 |